Together we could help
those injured,
those whose lives were disrupted,
those displaced,
those in despair from loss of homes and,
most of all, their loved ones.
Russia Claims Lives of Ukrainian Medical Workers
May they rest in peace
Unrecognizable destruction brought upon Ukraine by Russia.
Борітеся, поборите! Вам Бог помагає!
За Вас правда,
За Вас слава,
І воля свʼятая!
The Ohio Chapter has been fully engaged in the mission of helping bring medical aid to war-torn Ukraine. In an effort to optimize our resources and strengthen our efforts, UMANA Ohio Chapter has proudly partnered with various Ukrainian organizations and individuals. UMANA Ohio has had a wonderful relationship with nonprofit organizations and in particular, MedWish International, who since 2014 has assisted us in bringing much needed aid to Ukraine with an endless supply of medical goods.
The Ohio Chapter is a member organization of the United Ukrainian Organizations of Ohio and partners with it and other groups to achieve common goals.
Go to Member Highlights for most up-to-date review of what our members are doing. Members and associates have traveled and continue to travel to Ukraine on medical missions to provide supplies and medical services to the injured and suffering.
Please Donate
Please donate to UMANA Ohio through the UMANA Foundation and designate “for UMANA Ohio” in the comments section. All funds will be forwarded to the Ohio Chapter. Every dollar you give is cherished and we responsibly appropriate your funds to medical and humanitarian supplies for Ukraine.
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